Rubber Duck Race - Sponsors
Dear friend,
SIT, Inc. has been involved in charitable endeavors since its inception six years ago. In the past we have sought the help of the business community for various fundraisers and have never been disappointed.
On Sunday, June 6, 2015, SIT, Inc. will be holding our very first annual Rubber Duck Race. We expect this year’s event to be a huge success. This fun filled event will be held at Mountain Park Aquatic Center in Stone Mountain, GA. Sponsors names will be prominently displayed at the event and will be mentioned in local newspapers and advertisements.
Anything that you can help us with will be greatly appreciated. Be it a monetary donation or a donation that can be used for a prize such as a gift certificate or gift basket, etc. Every little bit helps!
One of the founding principles of our organization is Charity. With your help, we can continue to do works of Charity for those in need.
Sponsorship Levels
Premier Level Sponsorship: $5,000
A Premier Level Sponsor will be the official sponsor of this event and will be prominently mentioned in all advertisements including our website. This sponsor will also receive 60 rubber duck entries and 20 meal tickets and a private tent!
Platinum Level Sponsorship: $2,500
A Platinum Level sponsor will get prominent signage at the event and will be mentioned in all advertisements including our website. This sponsor will also receive 25 rubber duck entries and 10 meal tickets and a private tent!
Gold Level Sponsorship: $1,000
A gold level sponsor will get prominent signage at the event and mentions in all advertisements including our website. This sponsor will also receive 6 rubber duck entries and 5 meal tickets. A table will also be offered to promote your business at the duck race!
Silver Level Sponsorship: $500
A Silver Level sponsor will get signage at the start and finish line of the race and mentions in all advertisements including our website. This sponsor will also receive 3 rubber duck entries and 3 meal tickets. A table will also be offered to promote your business at the duck race!
Bronze Level Sponsorship: $250
A Bronze Level sponsor will get signage at the event and mentions in all advertisements including our web site. This sponsor will also receive 2 rubber duck entries and 2 meal tickets. A table will also be offered to promote your business at the duck race!
Gift Level Sponsorship:
A Gift Level sponsor will donate a gift in the form of a gift certificate, gift basket, monetary donation, scholarship, etc. which will be used as prizes for the race. A gift sponsor will also receive a mention on our prize list which will be posted on our website and other advertisements. Remember, a gift certificate can also mean new customers to your business!
*If a gift is donated with the value of one of the above sponsorship levels, then the appropriate ducks and meal tickets will be honored as our special way of saying thanks!
The most important thing that you will receive as a sponsor is knowing that you are helping those in need. Please email us if you have any questions regarding the Rubber Duck race at or call Desiree Cochran at 678-888-1SIT (678-888-1748).
Please also visit our web page for more information and to view the most current prize list at:!rubber-duck-race/c1u1h
An application is a non-refundable commitment to the show. No refunds will be made for bad weather.
Applications for 2015 SIT, Inc. Rubber Duck Race will be available on March 31, 2015.
Application Options:
Download the application for mailing or complete Online Application for credit card payment
You may pay the application fee in one of two ways:
*Mail your check or money order, payable to Desiree Cochran, before May 1, 2015. A late fee of $25 applies on or after May 1, if space is available. No personal checks will be accepted after May 1st. You will not receive an email or phone confirmation. Your confirmation is your cancelled check. A $25 fee will be charged for returned checks. In the event your application is not accepted, you will receive a refund.
*Or,complete the online application and pay online before May 1, 2015. A late fee of $25 applies on or after May 1, if space is available. A $5 convenience charge will be added during checkout for online transactions. You will receive an email confirming that your payment was processed. In the event your application is not accepted, you will receive a refund.
Set-up Information
• Advance set up is encouraged and is available on Sundayy, June 6, from 5:00 pm until 6:30 pm.
• You will be assigned a check-in time on Sunday. Your check-in time must be strictly adhered to. You will have only 30 minutes to unload your vehicle from the parking lot. All vehicles must be removed from the front parking lot.
• Booth assignments will be mailed to you in early May.
• On Sunday afternoon, vendors must park in the front parking lot to unload and then move their vehicles to a designated vendor parking area. Only one vehicle per exhibitor is allowed for unloading/loading.
• Vendors are responsible for transporting their own items from the parking lot to their booth.
• Exhibitors must provide their own means of display within a 15 X15 space. No nails or stakes may be used to secure your tent.
• To ensure the integrity of the show, your booth must remain intact ntil 8:00 p.m. Any vendor tearing down early will not be invited back.
• Please do not promote your product/service outside of your own booth space.
For more information, contact:
General Festival Information 678-888-1748
Craft and Food Vendors 678-866-5826
Please do not contact the Aquatic Center or Parks & Recreation.
The Rubber Duck Race is hosted by Save Inmates Today, Inc.
Proceeds from the festival fund SIT, Inc and the community service projects
supported by Save Inmates Today, Inc.